September 17, 2010

next shared list

The next shared list will be released on Monday September 20th, China time.

Which is Sunday night here in the US.

Incredibly exciting news for all the families hoping to be matched!

Please share your news with us if you are matched off this shared list, or have been recently matched... we'd love to celebrate with you!

1 comment:

  1. We've been waiting to share our news sooooo long! We now have our LSC/LOA so our agency will finally let us brag. Please visit our blog: www.6daysweek.blogspot to see all the cuteness! Our specific referral post can be found here:
    We weren't comfortable choosing from the waiting list and wanted our agency to choose for us. They chose the sweetest little girl who had been waiting on the shared list a few months already.
    While we hope to travel in the next few months, we are still working on that perfect name.
