March 24, 2010

Whatever Wednesday

Each Wednesday we post links from the previous week that touch on special needs adoption. Our hope is that these small snapshots provide you with a glimpse of life after adopting through China's waiting child program... both the long-term blessings and the challenges that come with parenting a child with special needs. We also hope to raise awareness about a variety of special needs.

She did it!!!
-- adoptive momma (China) Amy at Finally a Family of Five!... celebrating the seemingly small success (that really IS huge) of a little girl who has a cleft palate

Firsts -- adoptive momma (China) Shirlee McCoy at And Then There Were Seven... in adopting an older child, you give up the privilege of being there, but that doesn't mean that ALL of "the firsts" are gone - and sometimes they are even more beautiful

honeymoon, interrupted
-- adoptive momma (foster care and Haiti) Kristen at Rage Against the Minivan... navigating discipline issues those first few months home with a newly adopted preschool-aged child

Her Special Need -- adoptive momma (Ethiopia and China) Christie at Bushel and a Peck... after adopting through the non-special needs program, a momma discovers her daughter's special need

Video Clip of Sarah Tying Her Own Shoes -- adoptive momma (China) Karen at Always In My Heart... a video clip of her daughter, who has a limb difference, putting on her socks and shoes, then tying her shoes

The new kid in town
-- adoptive momma (China) Kristi at Fireworks & Fireflies... about her newly adopted daughter's adjustment these first few weeks home and information about Sturge Weber Syndrome (SWS)

Thinking Long Term: Should They Be Moved Up? -- adoptive momma (Russia, Ukraine and Siberia) Christine at Smiles & Trials... decisions about grade placement as her children, diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome, continue to grow and mature

A conversation -- adoptive momma (China) Sandra at The Daily Grind... a conversation with her daughter about being deaf and wishing stars

1 comment:

  1. Love your links TM. Always. You have a nose for good posts! Thanks!
