January 9, 2010

Preparing for Surgery ...

I know many of us with Special Angels will be spending a lot of time in the hospital, at doctor's appt, in therapy, and many other places to help our children grow, heal, and get the very best they need to enjoy a happy healthy life ... So my encouragement to you is to accept help ... I learned very quickly that upon Maggie's arrival home there would be time that I simply could not get everything done ... I could not be every where at one time ... I just couldn't get all done in a day what needed to be done ... It is very humbling to accept help ... As women we like to think we can take care of all the needs of our family and that gives us a since of pride and purpose ... I am here to encourage you that when others call and ask you if you need anything from store, can they bring you a meal, fold your laundry, or pick up the kids for you that you let them !!! Allow them to be a part of your journey ... Let them get a glimpse of what your life looks like with your sweet blessing of a child ...

I will never forget the woman that came to my home a month after Maggie was home from China ... I honestly can not remember her name ... She was from our church and I was in a complete fog ... I was sleep deprived, still trying to figure out Maggie's needs, cries, and just simply trying to stay above water ... The woman knocked on my door and said, "Hello, I know we don't know each other well, but I am here to fold your laundry."  I could have cried ... There was lots of laundry and it was in that moment that God showed me what the function of THE BODY OF CHRIST could be to us during this time ...

SO SAY YES, when someone calls and allow them to answer God's calling on their life to walk with you on this journey ... It does not make you any less of a woman or mother ... It is actually you showing your children how to give and show love to others ...

Prayers please for Maggie as her next surgery is scheduled for Jan. 13th...

I have something very serious I am working on for my next moth's post ... It is something that has been ripping at my heart lately and I just don't have the graceful words yet to write it ... I am praying God will show me how to explain it and hopefully help open some eyes and change some perceptions ...

Blessings All


  1. I am so glad to have the date. Wouldn't you know that 13 is Matthew's favorite number? He's got Maggie covered in prayer!
    Love ya Gwen,

  2. This is so true! I had a very wise friend once tell me that by not allowing anyone else to help us out in our time of need, we were keeping a blessing from them! I know that I certainly receive a blessing anytime I lend a hand to someone in need.
    Having gone through a major suregery this past August with our youngest, I will be sure to lift up extra prayers for your Maggie on the 13th!
