July 6, 2011

Wednesday's Whatever: Links We Like

A few things that caught our attention this week:

A fantastic site "Redefining Spina Bifida," which is exactly what the blogger's kids (with and without the disorder) do every day: Spina Bifida Kids

I'm linking to this entire site because of its beauty and fantastic photography, but scroll down a few posts to read about the blogger's son, whose doctors recommended a rhinoplasty surgery as part of his cleft lip care. Aging with Grace and Strong Will

This one's just purely fascinating: a man who, with the help of a new, just barely beginning to be tested compound, grew back a severed finger tip.

Finally, many of our "special needs" kids come home as older kids, too. I've found that reading the words of parents with children adopted at older ages than mine (who came home at almost four) often helps me to understand her better. The older kids seem to go through similar gamuts of emotion, but because they're so much more self-aware, they verbalize them more, or at least reveal them more clearly. I get insights into my own daughter from posts like this one, from the mother of a girl adopted domestically at nine, who's becoming more attached and secure, but struggling with it: Three Hard Words: I Love You.

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