May 25, 2011

Whatever Wednesday

Check out this bike trailer! It's brilliant for kids with a special need that limits their balance or mobility (it's also available with a back rest).

Liz at Learning Patience is doing more than just spring clean: she's paring down to add two new kids to her pack of four, and inspired by living more simply.

Want to think back fondly on your "gotcha" moment (whether you call it that or not)? This family is holding their baby girl for the first time.

At Taylor Ridge, they're among the families (I've heard from lots) dealing with the IRS scrutinizing the adoption deduction, but with a good attitude and good advice as well.

Create a Family, The Adopted Ones and I have all been talking about why we need to preface any complaints or conversations about changes in adoption with "I love my [kid/mom/family], but..."

Writing about an adoption or special needs issue? We'd love to link. email me at

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