January 6, 2010

Whatever Wednesday

Each Wednesday we post links from the previous week that touch on special needs adoption. Our hope is that these small snapshots provide you with a glimpse of life after adopting through China's waiting child program... both the long-term blessings and the challenges that come with parenting a child with special needs. We also hope to raise awareness about a variety of special needs.

Handling Your Child's Disabilities -- momma Marye Audet at Blisstree... on helping your child to navigate social situations with a visible special need

Guest Author: The Dance, Older Child Adjustment -- adoptive momma (domestic and Ethiopia) Michele as a guest blogger at A Bushel and a Peck... on the adjustment process after adopting a teenager

The NSN Misnomer -- adoptive momma (China) the Rumor Queen at China Adopt Talk... just because you adopt through the non-special needs program doesn't mean you will avoid special needs

To Post or Not to Post -- momma Janice at 5 Minutes for Mom... how much is too much information to share when you are blogging about your child's special need?

Why blog? -- adoptive momma (China) Donna at Straight Talk... why she blogs about special needs adoption

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